May (Facial) Flowers...
"Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them"
A.A. Milne (Pooh)

Now that it's May, it's a time to celebrate all things in bloom (those of us with allergies, prefer to celebrate indoors) We want you to get to know one of our fav flowers! Believe it or not, what you might consider to be a pesky weed, can have GREAT uses & benefits.
A link posted by a friend earlier about all of the wonderful uses for Dandelions (I'll link it as well) reminded me of when I was formulating the Dandelion Root soap, 5 years ago, that we still make. Each soap really does have a unique story, and yes, even a "story board" that goes with them.
5 years ago I was reading about how to naturally rid my patio of dandelions, without the use of chemicals. I stumbled on an article about the edible properties of dandelions, and benefits of dandelion tea. It sparked a curiosity in me, because at the same time I had a team of jars on my patio infusing with different herbs to create natural colorants to try in my soaps. (there's another very old blog pot on here regarding that) I started reading article after article on the antioxidants, vitamins, phytonutrients, and even fatty acids present in dandelions!
I remember laying out on my patio, envisioning what a Dandelion soap would look and smell like. What emotions did I want it to evoke? I settled on yellow, happy, vibrant...from there I ended up mapping out the dandelion root soap. Now, for formulating it...due to its properties, I settled on a facial soap. Dandelion root, calendula, and lemongrass essential oil are the trio for this "happy" face flower soap.
Dandelion root has wonderful skin benefits:
* Believe it or not, by nature (no pun intended), dandelion is anti-fungal, and removes toxins and dirt from the skin.
* Antioxidants (especially Vitamin C) helps fight free radicals, reduce redness and inflammation; thereby, helping those with acne
* Rich in vitamins and minerals that help hydrate and assist in a healthier skin tone.
The above factors together equal a Holy Grail for your face (aka ANTI AGING!)
Hopefully now that you've gotten to know the weed, you can see why through the eyes of your's a beautiful flower, FULL of skin benefits!! Oh! I almost forgot my friend's post that sparked this one (Thanks Jessica)
Happy May Day!!
Amber :)
*To Order Our Dandelion Root Soap:
*For Wholesale Inquiries, shoot us an email!