Your Face needs toning as much as your body….
Many customers ask if they really need toner. While I was creating this new website, my overview of toner became so long, that I thought it was blog post worthy. With all the skincare products on the market, especially for face, it can be both confusing and overwhelming to understand what you need and why. While we consider toner the 3rd step in our face care line, that doesn't mean it isn't important. It means we saved the best for last!
It's All About Balance...

Facial toners play an important role in assuring you have a healthy and clean facial appearance. Facial toners help to balance the pH, or potential hydrogen, level of your skin. pH levels are an indication of the acidity level of your skin. A balanced pH level means your skin is less prone to oiliness and infection, creating a more vibrant and smoother appearance.
Tall Drink of Water...
Your skin needs hydrated the same way the rest of your body does. Facial toners provide hydration to your skin, which is essential to maintaining elasticity, smoothness, moisture and a more youthful appearance. Proper skin hydration reduces the signs of aging skin and provides an effective base for the application of facial cosmetics.
Brighten and Tighten...
So how exactly does this work? Well, first it detoxes your skin not only from environmetal toxins, but all that skincare you use with chemicals also wreack havoc and affect the health and appearance of your skin (more reasons to Go Naked!! yes, a shameless plug, but it is my blog after all) Toner brightens and tightens your skin. Yep, chemical and surgical free tightening, keep reading...
Facial toners tighten your facial pores, allowing fewer oils and toxins to settle into the skin facial pores allow more dirt, oil and toxins to enter the skin and cause irritation and infections. This creates a fresher, cleaner and less oily appearance while preventing acne.
And for those who have already suffered from acne? It benefits you as well. Part of the brightening property is that it removes oily buildup, residue and dead skin cells, which assists in reducing the amount of facial blemishes and acne you may already have and work to prevent future breakouts.
So the final step really is unforgettable and you can find it here